Hello Jessaholics,
I'm thrilled to bits to see Jess powering on into the home stretch ! I know all of you share this excitement and anticipation to see her edging ever closer home. This is a very special young lady who has been consummately professional, demonstrated incredible mental fortitude and yet in many ways is your everyday teenager who likes teenage "stuff" but what really grabs me is her simplicity and humility. I reckon, thats what sets her apart.
The one common thing that comes out of all our comments is how strongly we feel for and support Jessica. In doing so, we have formed a very interesting and colourful community. To this end, once again, anyone is welcome to comment on this blog. It was originally set up as a common area of communication for a group of people that are traveling to Sydney to welcome Jess home but it appears that it is attracting a wider audience.
I wish all of you near and far good luck and happiness.
PS I have attached a picture I took at Melbourne Airport recently. On the left is a Boeing 747 Jumbo and on the right is the new Airbus A380 Super Jumbo. Compare the wingspans, the engines and everything else. Its amazing how large the A380 is compared to what was originally the largest airliner in the world for decades. I thought I would slip that in as a bit of trivia that I hope you enjoy.